
Evangelical Community Fulda

Foto: Anja Brunsmann

In the heart of Fulda, you will find our small and dedicated Christian community, just a short walk from the train station or the university.

Based on our community vision, it is important to us to create open spaces for those seeking meaning, inviting them to encounter. Here, you can share all your questions, doubts, and thoughts and try out new forms and approaches to faith in our experimental worship format, openSPACE.

Our 14-day worship service is the place where we recharge and experience community. We foster exchange and relationships in small groups and Bible study.

Our hall in the backyard has a special charm, created from a former emergency church and exudes the atmosphere of a cozy garden hut.
If that sounds interesting to you, come get to know us! We look forward to meeting you!

Faith & Values

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Jesus Christ
Jesus is our model and inspiration. His stories from the New Testament show us new aspects for our life and actions in the present. Through prayer, we can experience sacred moments of peace and strength and allow ourselves to be encouraged, challenged, inspired or comforted.

The Bible
This book is our common foundation to learn more about God and to better understand him. We regularly come together in worship services or small groups to engage with the biblical texts of different translations and let ourselves be challenged by them. We want to find out what the Bible has to do with our lives and our current situation in its diversity. This is always exciting and surprising.

The Community
Like a family, we want to be on the journey together, despite our differences. Share life and faith. Experience God, stay in conversation, listen and pray together. Mutual respect and support is important to us, even if we sometimes have different perspectives on different issues and find different forms for our faith in everyday life.


Since 2011, our vision has guided our actions:

"We want to create new space to experience God with those seeking meaning."

We discovered and formulated this vision together during a one-year vision process.
Since then, a lot has happened! It started with the founding of RaumTeiler, a network in which everyone can share their life according to their needs, e.g. cooking, playing, hiking, jogging, creating or many other events. We have filled RaumTeiler with life, met many people, tried out new activities and formed friendships.

After some time, the need for spiritual space led to the creation of openSPACE as an experimental worship service where each individual can engage with the theme in their own way. The openSPACE took place in the entire community house in different rooms, everyone could move freely and decide for themselves whether to stay in the room of silence, sit by the fire pit for a good conversation, listen to a Bible text, watch videos on the theme, express themselves creatively or experience something.
Corona then challenged us to find a digital solution for this format. So from autumn 2020, there was a website solution with similar different offers, here creativity, silence, impulses and experiences also found their space to be experienced together.

After these enriching experiences, we are now looking for a new way to link both together. Through the digital offers, a small network of interested people and staff has emerged, who otherwise are simply too far away. So we want to try to find a hybrid form in which one can experience community in different ways. Far and digital as well as very close and real.

In summer 2020, Anja Brunsmann and Samuel Drechsel were interviewed by Katharina Haubold & Rolf Krueger in episode 27 of the "Frische Thecke" podcast, describing part of this process. Feel free to listen in.

Update: In May 2022, we slightly adjusted the formulation of our vision: Instead of "young adults seeking meaning" (original version from 2011), it now only says "those seeking meaning" (see above).

How we are organized...

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As a community of the Evangelischen Gemeinschaftsverbandes Hessen-Nassau (EGHN) e.V., we belong to the Evangelischen Kirche Kurhessen-Waldeck (EKKW). Through the Gnadauer Gemeinschaftsverband (Gnadauer Community Association), we are connected with more than 100 associations and works.

The members from Fulda and the surrounding area elect the board or leadership team in the members' assembly. As a community, we want to offer a space for those seeking meaning, where questions and doubts are welcome, as well as different faith and life styles. We see ourselves as learners & seekers. We want to engage with the Bible. Pray together and experience God in very different forms.

You can find more information under Leadership Team.

Get in touch

You have a question or wish for personal contact. Then contact us! We look forward to your message!

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